Monday, September 19, 2005

A Much Belated Thank You to Sex in the City

I just saw a commercial on the WB for reruns of Sex in the City. It was during the final season that I met the Husband, and I cannot help but consider how much has changed since the fall of 2003. The show aired during my time as a single women in NYC, and I am grateful for it. If it were not for Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, being single on my 30th birthday might have felt very different. Pre- Sex in the City, people viewed the single thirty something woman as an oddity... someone who simply was not good enough for a man to propose to. After all, at thirty, why wouldn't you be married? Weren't you pretty enough to find a man who would fall in love with you? Perhaps it was your personality that drove them away. Let's face it, married folks pitied the thirty something single girl and twenty somethings vowed that it would never be them.

But that was beforehand. When I moved to Manhattan Sex in the City was in it's third season and all of my friends were jealous that I was living a life filled with glamourous parties, fascinating friends and of course, an endless string of romances. To be honest, this was not that far from the truth. Now let me pause right here and say that my life resembled more of a PG 13 version of the show, but living in the city gave me strength, freedom and energy. I met the owners and regulars at a bar around the corner, and soon felt comfortable stopping in any night that I was not "going out" My girlfriends and I had our "LBD" (little black dress) nights, each one introducing us to new adventures. During the day, I worked hard, but at night...

How quickly life can change. So there I was, about this time 2 years ago, in a little black dress, dancing on a couch at a party in some random stranger's apartment, with a seemingly random guy... the college friend of a friend. Who would have guessed this guy would turn out to be my husband?

But like the show, that part of my life had run its course. It was fun and more than that, defining, but it was time to move on. I just hope that Sex in the Suburbs is as good as the original...


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