Thursday, September 08, 2005

City Mouse

If I was having any doubts about leaving the city, they were chased away by a furry little critter. Yes, we found a mouse in the apartment. And apparently I am terrified of mice (who knew?) I ran out of the apartment screaming and hid out across the street at Borders till the husband came home. We set traps and after several days, of the mice (yes, I quickly realized that we had more than 1 mouse) running around the apartment, stealing the cheese from the traps and generally freaking me out (city mice are not shy), we finally caught 1. And then another. Hopefully we have got them all, but we are going to set out more traps tonight. I know, it was just a mouse (can you imagine how I would have reacted if there was a rat???)

Moving never looked so good. And we do have a contract with an exterminator for the house (passed along from the previous owner), with a warranty saying that there are no bugs are rodents presently.


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