Thursday, September 15, 2005

From Move-In to Fixer Upper in Just Days

Tomorrow is the big move and it looks ike we may be up all night packing. Ugh. For once it ihas nothing to do with laziness. on the contrary, we have been working very hard to get the new house ready. Yesterday we painted the guest room. After a late night of trying to clean floors and closets and remove staples and other dangerous objects, at about 2am we fell asleep on the air mattress in the family room-- the one room that remains untouched. The Alarm went off at 7 and we were up. Things did not start off well. After the first coat of paint, we noticed everything looked uneven and seemed to have grey/blue shadows. The trim looked horrible (jagged edges and such. Turns out that the husband did as poorly in Art class as I. We finished painting and looked at the mess we had made. We were in trouble.

He turned to me. "This looks horrible."

I was shocked. I mean, he was right, it was horrible for sure, but my husband was always the one who managed to put an optimisitic spin on things... who worked to keep me from getting upset. When he saw the look on my face, he snapped back.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it will look better after the second coat."

We took a break and drove back to the city to get a car load of boxes. Our small NY apartment was filling up quickly as we emptied closets and any extra space was helpful. We came back and the husband worked on the second coat of paint, while I unpacked. To our suprise (and delight) that second coat seemed to do the trick. The room looked passable and we would be able to move furniture in.

Speaking of which... time to get back to the city and pack.


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