Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Today he suggested we get a Costco membership. He seemed unnaturally excited at the prospect of getting a great deal on bulk toilet paper. I was suddenly struck by the fact that this was it. I am leaving Manhattan and making the ultimate transformation from a life blissfully free of any grown up responsibilities to become a Jersey wife who shops at Costco. Why am I doing this?

Well, to begin with, we have bought a house. A house was necessary, I assure you, particularly during football season when our small 1 bedroom apartment became a war room of sorts for the 3 fantasy football leagues my otherwise perfect husband was obsessed with. Suddenly, he managed to occupy the (only) couch, the (only) TV, the (only) computer... simultaneously, constantly and with an intensity I had never seen before. In our new house, he can relish in this ritual to his hearts content in our family room, while I will be free to do whatever I want in the rest of the house.

The house... I have not lived in a house for nearly 15 years. Not since I left my parents home for college at the age of 18, swearing never to return to Jersey and lead the yuppyish life of my parents. Little did I know that not only would I return, I would give my left arm, if we could afford the lifestyle my parents enjoyed. After a very frightening and depressing house hunt, we did manage to find something in our price range that we could afford. It had the space. It was walking distance to the train (35min commute to NYC). Safe, even pleasant, neighborhood. So we did it. We took all of our savings and wrote a check for this house in Jersey where we are going to start our life together, and if we are lucky begin a family. We officially close next week.

The beginning.


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